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Sky Fall: An Alpha Strike Group Scenario

3059 - Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone - Formerly Draconis Combine - Tarazed System Operation Bull Dog - Wave 1 The newly reformed Star League Defense Force has settled on a target. Clan Smoke Jaguar. Months of preparation are over and the the first wave of planetary assaults has begun. The SLDF is combat dropping their main force right on top of the Smoke Jaguar Command and Control facilities on the planet Tarazed.  Unfortunately Jaguar Aerospace assets have disrupted the deployment causing the drop pods to scatter from their drop zones. Player Force Setup: SLDF: 400 points per player - Attackers (3 players) Smoke Jaguars: 500 points per player - Defenders (2 players). Team has 12 Battlefield Support points. Limits: Players may not have more than (1) Skill 1 mechwarrior in their force. Table Setup:  The table will be set up with three distinct urban areas surrounded by rolling hills and light woods. The Urban areas are designated as the Airfield, Command Base and Infantry base. All objec
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Salvage Wars! Red vs Blue - a Battletech Alpha Strike Event

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Assassination: an Alpha Strike Scenario

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