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Tommy Comes Calling: A Battletech Alpha Strike Scenario

A raiding force in advancing towards the city of Rord’s industrial center where McGuffin Corps headquarters are located.  The attackers are transporting battle armor to seize the facility grab the McGuffin and then escape.  The planetary defense force is caught out of position and only a Long Tom battery with local armor assets are in a position to immediately intervene.  Mech reinforcements are rushing to the scene to defend the city.

Set up: A multi player battle utilizing two 4x6 tables.

Table 1: City Center - Table should be mostly urban with large amount of buildings in the center sections of the table. 1) large cf25 building should be set up in the center of the table as the primary objective. All other buildings in the city should be cf10 or cf15

Table 2: Out skirts - The table should have limited buildings toward the edge of table one petering out into forest and hills. A river should cross the board at the city outskirts.

Shared Border:  Table 1 and 2 should either be right next to each other or have designated table edges that are considered connected.  Units may move between tables by moving across that edge.  The Aerospace map counts both tables as the center area, standard movement rules apply.


Players should choose a mutually agreed upon point value with the following modifications after value selection.

 Attacker - Raiding force targeting the primary industrial building - Attackers should have 25% more points than the defenders. This calculation should not include the Long Tom and tank lance.

Defenders - Planetary defense force and mercs. Bonus Long Tom and tank lance. A security force(infantry) occupies the McGuffin hq building.

Defender Setup:

 1 Long Tom Mobile Battery and three tanks should be deployed by the defender on Table 2 at the defenders discretion. The defender my place two pre-plotted artillery points on Table 1. All other defending forces move onto the table from the defenders edge.   The defenders may move onto table 2 during round 1. The defenders may move onto table 1 during round 2.


The attackers may deploy up to 50% of their forces on their table edge on table 1.  All other units move onto table 1 from the attackers table during round 1.  The attackers may move onto table 2 from the attackers table edge but only the 12 inches closest to table 1 may be utilized.

Victory conditions:

Decisive Victory: McGuffin captured and Long Tom unit destroyed.

Major Victory: McGuffin captured

Minor Victory: Long Tom unit destroyed.

The attackers must deliver a Battle Armor or infantry unit to assault the HQ building. Once the building has been secured the Attackers must spend 1 round while the infantry secure the McGuffin in the Building.  The McGuffin must then be carried of the attackers table edge by a living unit.

If an attacking unit is destroyed while carrying the McGuffin ,a unit may retrieve it by moving to within 1” of the downed units location and sacrificing their attack action to pick up the McGuffin.


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