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Age of Sigmar Map Campaign: Isle of Death

The Isle of Death Map Campaign: Ver.1.1

In one of the realms, a grand alliance has risen to dominance and has begun the eradication of all other forces.  Commanders lead their armies at a forced march to the Realm Gate to escape annihilation. With limited supplies their road to escape will be long and perilous.

1: Setup
2: Campaign Phases
3: Victory Conditions

Campaign Setup:
1: Assemble Players:  Get some friends to play!
2: Select Armies and Determine Island Defenders: Select a Grand Alliance to be the defenders, all other factions are attempting to escape the island.
Example: Players with Death Armies serve as the Isle Defenders
3: Determine Realm: Select a realm appropriate to the Isle Defenders.(Death = Shyish)
4: Players select starting locations.  The game master can either randomly select an order or the players may roll off.  Ex: Player 1 selects starting point A, while Player 2 selects starting point F.

Campaign Phases:

Round: The game is played in rounds consisting of a map phase, battle phase, and logistics phase.

Map Phase:
1: Players Start with 10 Supply Points (SP)
2: Player use Supply points to make Map Actions.  Players may make (1) Move action per round and may try to Raid each other escaping player once per round.
A: Move - Move your army to an adjacent numbered battlefield (1SP)
B: Raid! - Raid another escaping players supply depot (1SP)
3: Diplomacy: Players may bribe or assist other players by gifting them supply.

Battle Phase:
1: Escaping players consult the Battlefield Chart to determine which scenario to play.  They then play a game vs one of the defending players.
2: Raids!: Players may raid other players.
3: If players are unable to get a match in a timely manner they spend 2 SP to have their scouts avoid the enemy.
4: Games are played using forces in points value of increments of 500 using the guidelines found in the open war section.

TIp: Don’t forget Triumph advantages from the main rules

1:  Winning a battle against the defending faction grants you 2 SP to your pool.
2: Losing a battle against the defending faction removes 1 SP from your pool.
3: Winning a Raid gains you 2 SP to your pool and subtracts 1 from the losing players pool.
4: Winning a battle at a fortification grants you 3 SP to your pool
5: Losing a battle at a fortifications  removes 2 SP from your pool
6: After all battles have been fought the game master will update all of the player supply pools and announce a new round.

Victory Conditions:
1: The first escaping player to reach the Realm Gate and win a battle is the campaign victor.
2: The defending players win if all escaping forces exhaust all of their supply points
3: Players who run out supply points are considered eliminated.  Eliminated armies turn bandit and participate in the battle phase and may raid other players to play spoiler. Help your friends and stymie your rivals!

Recommended resources: Generals Handbooks, Malign Sorcery and the Main Rules.

Isle of Death Battlefield Chart:

Abbreviations: Main Rule Book (MR), General’s Handbook (GH), Malign Sorcery (MS)
Ex: Generals Handbook page 28 would be GH28

1:  Skirmish Order (GH28) - Open War
2:  Escalation (MR313)
3:  Stormy Weather (GH22) - Open War
4: Storm of Magic (GH22)  - Open War
5: Boggy Ground (GH16) - Open War
6: Flank Attack (GH18)  - Open War
7: Prevailing Winds (GH 20)  - Open War
8: Boggy Ground (GH16)  - Open War
9: Eclipse (GH17)  - Open War
10: Boggy Ground (16)  - Open War
11: Avatar of Battle (GH16)  - Open War
12: Bitter Enmity (GH16)  - Open War
13:  Concealed Deployment (GH17)  - Open War
14: Dawn Attack (GH16)  - Open War
15: Stormy Weather (GH22)  - Open War
16: Wild Magic (GH23)  - Open War
17: The Relief Force (MR296)
18: Boggy Ground (GH16)  - Open War
19: Oath (GH20)  - Open War
20: Vagaries (23)  - Open War
21: The Great Wall (MR297)
22: Underground Ambush (MR301)
23: Eclipse (GH17)  - Open War
24: Chaos Ascendent (GH16)  - Open War
25: Illusionary Landscape (GH19)  - Open War
26: Eldritch Mist (GH17)  - Open War
27: Razed Battlefield (GH20)  - Open War
28:  Wild Magic (GH23)  - Open War
29: Vagaries of Battle (GH23)  - Open War
30: Prevailing Winds (GH20)  - Open War
31:  The Relief Force (MR296)
32: Site of Power (GH21)  - Open War
33:  Tunnel Wars (MR300)
34:  The Great Wall (MR297)
35: Wrath of the Gods (GH23)  - Open War
36:  Stormy Weather (GH22)  - Open War
37: Prevailing Winds (GH20)  - Open War
38: Boggy Ground (GH16)  - Open War
39:  Regiment of Renown (GH20)  - Open War
40: Saturated with Magic (GH21)  - Open War
41: Necro Quake (GH20)  - Open War
42: Battle for the Pass (GH53)  - Open War
43:  The Great Wall (MR297)
44: The Great Wall (MR297)
45: Tunnel Wars (MR300)
46: Prevailing WInds (GH20)  - Open War
47:  The Relief Force(MR296)
48:  Mysterious Omens (GH19)  - Open War
49: Gravity Vortex (GH18)  - Open War
50: The Great Game (GH19)  - Open War
51: Bitter Enmity (GH16)  - Open War
52: Meteor Shower (GH19)  - Open War
53: Dwindling Morale (GH17)  - Open War
54:  Places of Arcane Power (GH60)
55: Wandering Monsters (GH23)  - Open War
56:  Eldritch Mist (GH17)  - Open War
57:  Delaying Tactics (GH17)  - Open War
58:  Meteor Shower (GH16)  - Open War
59: Life LIke Statues (GH19)  - Open War
60: Boggy Ground (GH16)  - Open War
61: Stormy Weather (GH22)  - Open War
62: Gather of Power (GH18)  - Open War
63: Mysterious Omens (GH19)  - Open War
64: The Relief Force(MR296)
65: Avatar of Battle (GH17)  - Open War
66: Shear Edge (GH21)  - Open War
67: Boggy Ground (GH16)  - Open War
68: Seismic Upheaval (GH21)  - Open War


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