Welcome to our Age of Sigmar Path to Glory map campaign of 2022!
Newly discovered lands in the realm of Ghyran have become open for conquest and warbands from all the major factions are making their way there to stake their claim!
Campaign Manager: Ryan
Player set up.
Choose a faction and create a 1000 point Path to Glory starting Warband. Then notify Ryan of a preferred color.
So what’s this map thing?
The Undiscovered Lands represented by our map replaces the “Exploration Roll” in the Manage Territories step of the Aftermath section of a Path to Glory game. Instead, prior to playing a game, both players should agree on an unclaimed territory on the map to fight over with the winner of the game being able to claim the territory. If the player won a major victory they can claim the territory for 8 glory points. If the player won a minor victory they can claim the territory for 9 glory points. Normal territory rules apply. A player may also elect not to claim the territory and bask in the knowledge that they denied it to the enemy.
But what if the dice gods hate me?
If a player has lost two games in a row they may claim an unclaimed map territory for 10 glory points.
How do we win?
By having fun of course! The campaign does end when all territories are claimed. Once all territories are claimed the player with the most territories may add a Relic, Spell, Endless Spell, Core Battalion or Warscroll Battalion to their vault as a reward.
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