The Raid of Planet 8420.7
Overlord Khotec quickly scanned the terrain in front of him. His Legion had found Imperial forces on the planet designated as 8420.7 and they seemed to be using the northern continent as a staging point. There was a supply point in an old burnt out city on the edge of the eastern part of the continent where Khotec decided to blood his newly designated Second Cohort. This system was on the edges of his legions operations area so he had only brought a small raiding force of two units of Skorpekh Destroyers with their attached Plasmacytes as well as a Canoptek Re-animator to assist with any casualties.
Khotec split his forces into two groups as they approached the target area creating a rough skirmish line in the city ruins. A shrieking whine followed by a ground shaking explosion rocked the area as two missiles slammed into the Re-animator causing Khotec to curse. Scrap metal from the destroyed machine bounced down around him as Khotec ordered his Destroyers into action.
“First Phalanx engage that Dreadnought! Second Phalanx engage the right flank!” Khotec commanded as he rushed forward and aimed his Tachyon Arrow at the green armored form in front of First Phalanx. A green line of death lashed forward but shear dumb luck saved the Dreadnought. It had turned toward the approaching First Phalanx and the arrow only clipped its shoulder. A squad of Salamanders opened fire on Second Phalanx destroying the accompanying Plasmacyte. Both phalanxes were soon engaged in melee with hyperphase blades slashing.
First Phalanx caused a decent amount of damage to the Dreadnought and slew the nearby Tech Marine. Unfortunately the space marine Captain in ancient armor turned the tide and First Phalanx fell in defeat. Second Phalanx was eventually able to eliminate the Primaris Marines they were fighting. They then turned to assist Khotec in time to see a melta blast drill into the Overlord. Khotec’s phase shifter failed him and what was left of his body crashed into a nearby building. Second Phalanx roared into combat with the Captain and the Dreadnought, but were also overcome.
The Salamanders retrieved their supplies and moved them to a more secure location. Thotep was able to lead a recovery team and bring their Overlord to planet 8420.11 to recover from his wounds.
The Cowardly Ambush on 8420.11
Overlord Khotec the Cruel was in conference with his Royal Warden Thotep the Unstoppable discussing the movement of the legion to planet 8820.63 on the edge of the Pariah Nexus when the alarm sounded.
“Report!” Khotec demanded from where he was examining a data interface.
“My Lord! A Scarab Swarm has engaged filthy Eldar who are rapidly approaching our position! The foolish Autarch leading the force has just succumbed to the swarm.” Thotep responded.
“How many units have to yet to be phased to 8820.63?” Khotec asks.
“We have Third Cohort here under my command here to guard you my Lord, as well as the Scarabs engaging the enemy. Khophec has just phased out in transit with the majority of the Legion.” Thotep replies.
Khotec checks his systems, they had five cycles till the next phase transport.
“Take position above and direct the defense.” Khotec orders.
“My Lord, it would be best if you joined Third Cohort.” Thotep suggests.
“Very well.” Khotec growls. He pauses as an Eldar Night Spinner floats into view being chased by the Scarab Swarm. Khotec snaps off a shot from his Tachyon Arrow punching a hole in the tanks armor. Gauss fire from the second floor slows down an approaching Guardian squad.
The small delay is catastrophic. A webway gate appears a short distance behind Khotec and a small squad of Fire Dragons blast him with melta fire. Thotep screams in rage and blasts at the filthy fleshlings while Third Cohort rushes to them firing their gauss blasters to defend their fallen lord. They soon phase out leaving the field to the disgusting Eldari.
Had a fun night playing 25 point combat patrols with my buddies Colton and Steve. We settled on smaller point games as we wanted to catch Colton’s Crusade force up to us in games played. We found combat patrols to be a little swingy, while also being short and brutal.
My first game against Colton I was experimenting with my newly painted Skorpekh Destroyers. I fell a bit behind early since my Re-animator was shot off the table turn one. The Destroyers did decently well and were quick to reach combat and the Plasmacyte bonus can quickly help you shred the enemy. I was a bit frustrated when I flubbed the damage roll on my tachyon arrow when I rolled a one. I command re-rolled and yet again rolled a one. Yay. Our small forces quickly decimated each other and the only surviving models were Colton’s named Captain and his Dreadnought sitting on one wound.
My second game against Steve can only be described as a brain fart on my part. We were playing the combat patrol mission Assassination with myself as the defender. I somehow completely forgot the Look Out Sir! Rule and positioned my Overlord half a table away from the nearest unit he could have used as meat shields.
I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of Scarab Swarms as I was experimenting with them that game, but 4 flubbed invuln saves against the Fire Dragon squad that webwayed in behind my Overlord which quickly ended the game. If I had parked the Overlord next to my 20 man Warrior squad the battle would have gone more my way but alas, Brain Fart. Lesson learned.
Crusade games have proven to be enjoyable and I look forward to playing more.
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