The people of New Tica Town sent Sherlock, Speedy, Maize and McGhee off to discover the source of the strange feather that had floated into their settlement. The hunters dealt with a few minor hazards as well as a strange shift in their reality. To their shock they realized they had forgotten their names. The hunting party renamed themselves, Slowy, Pumpkin, TriPod and Motorboat. Eventually they discovered a huge winged monster in a strange tree.
The strange Phoenix warped reality around it and swooped in to attack the intruders. The party fought desperately trying to deal with the time dilation the creature caused and the stresses it placed on their minds. Pumpkin fell during the fight, leaking blood from his eyes,ears, nose and mouth.Tripod lost her name, she became a girl with no name. The creature was eventually slain but it caused a heavy toll on the party. Motorboat’s future was shredded, causing infertility. Worse the encounter had aged her and the girl with no name into old women. Slowy had advanced into middle age.
The party returned to New Tica Town tired, worn out, but successful. The settlement residents were soon bothered by Slowy claiming that there was a powerful presence nearby. Panicked, he preached to the others that they weren’t alone in the settlement. The other survivors grew tired of his behavior and banished him to the dark and death. Unfortunately he was right.
The next day the survivors found a White Speaker at the edge of the settlement. She spoke of dark waters and forgotten horrors. She writhed on the ground and then exploded in a shower of blood and black water. Horrified, Arya(aka tripod/Maize) and Motorboat(McGhee) blotted out the horrid memory of the event.
Strange weather rolled in, bringing strange terrifying storms. Nico decided to brave the foul weather. Though it cost him an eye, his reflexes were increased.
Several days later, Frisky awoke and investigated a strange rumbling outside the settlement. She witnessed a strange knight rolling a huge ball. Enthralled she vowed to copy his relentless behavior.
The year continued on.
One day Sheba spotted strange lights and went to investigate. He found a strange crater where he spotted a man break free of a shimmering membrane. The man left and Sheba entered the crater. Severely burning his hands, Sheba retrieved the membrane and returned with it to the settlement.
Food began to run low in the village and hunt for a White Lion was sent forth into the darkness. Sheba, Frisky, Nico and Wesley set off. With no nearby prey, the hunters set off deeper into the darkness than any other hunter from the settlement had ever been. A number of minor injuries were sustained before they found a seasoned White Lion.
Frisky set about turning the monster into a pincushion with her new bow while the others closed in. It wasn’t long before the creature fell to their combined might. The battle was closer than it seemed with the number of injuries sustained. Luckily no permanent injuries were caused. Gathering up their kill, the Survivors returned home.
Sometime later the settlement was beset by howls of agony. A forgotten fear swept through the settlement. The old woman with no name (Maize/TriPOd/Arya) succumbed to the madness and her mind shattered. The insane members of the town were bed ridden and would be unable to hunt in the near future.
Horrors haunt the settlement, but life continues on. What is that in the shadows outside the settlement? The Survivors will find out soon enough.
I’ve been very excited to play Kingdom Death: Monster with my group. With this years Black Friday sale I snagged four expansions along with few other KD:M pieces such as the Echoes of Death and Black Friday Ninja. We added the four expansions to our time line for Lantern Year 8 which gives us the Gorm, Dung Beetle Knight and Dragon King as quarries and we swapped in Slenderman for the Kingsman. We did leave ourselves the option of fighting the Kingsman as desired.
We did make some rules errors this session. Specifically I forgot to hand out the Survivor status cards for our first Phoenix fight. That fight gets a bit more dangerous when you don’t realize you can use an action to remove age tokens. Luckily, we were rolling well and managed to chunk it down with only one fatality. In essence however we lost the whole party to aging out and settlement events. We still have the Ignis father/son pair as experienced hunters and we swapped in Frisky, Nico, Sheba and Wesley to be our new primary team.
After the rough fight with the phoenix we tried a level 2 lion for the first time. We did pretty well for how banged up we were due to hunt events. Playing as Frisky who had picked up berserk during the hunt, was rolling speed two on her new phoenix bow. Long story short (assuming we played it right) if she hit the wound was guaranteed. We also had good luck in the lion never really leaving her range so the almost guaranteed wounds really plowed through the AI deck. The lion went down and we walked off with some resources.
Upon our return we lost our last match maker with Slender Blight hitting the settlement. We also had limited new items we could make as we were low on bone materials. We ended up banking most of the resources and next session we’ll be getting a visit from the Slenderman. Which gives me an excuse to push him to the top of my painting list.
The group will be on break till after the holidays and we’ll resume the story of New Tica Town in 2019.
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