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The Heralds of Silence: Crusade Battle 5

 Disaster at 81320.183

“Form a skirmish line!”  Khotec the Cruel ordered. 

“Third Cohort hold the right flank.  Fifth Cohort, you will be our center.  Khophec, take your guards and see if you can flank around the buildings to our left.”

Khotec was furious.  The intelligence he had received about this site was completely and utterly wrong.  He had been told by Joint Command that the site was an abandoned Adeptus Mechanicus research facility.  No one had bothered to mention the house of Imperial Knights that had converted it into a forward operating base.

“Someone will pay for this.” Khotec growled.

“My Lord!  The Knights quick reaction force approaches! They…”  The rest of Khophec communication was drowned out by the roar of battle cannon and melta fire tearing into the Legion forces.  

A Knight Crusader and two Armiger Warglaives were sprinting towards the Legion battle line spiting death from their heavy weapons.  The Warriors of Third and Fifth Cohorts were taking heavy casualties.

Khotec screamed in rage.  He snapped a Tachyon Arrow shot off at the Knight Crusader but its shields rotated and dispersed the attack. 

“I will find out who told us these lies!” howled Khotec. 

Based on the disastrously poor intelligence he had received, Khotec had only brought a garrisoning force of infantry with a Re-animator to support them.  Khophec and his guards had accompanied the force to search the facility for Noctolith.  Instead of securing more Noctolith to build more pillars, his Warriors were getting slaughtered and barely scratching the Imperial heavy armor racing forward to breach their line.

The Warglaives were soon swinging massive chain blades into Third Cohort.  Khophec and his guards were caught out of position with the Knight Crusader attempting to squish them like the proverbial bug. Unfortunately the Crusader succeeded.

Khotec and the Re-animator jumped into melee with the Warglaives but were soon overwhelmed.  Fifth Cohort was blasted back to the Great Slumber by the Knight Crusader.  Soon all that was left was Third Cohort valiantly fighting off the Knight and both Warglaives.  

It was in vain.  Legion support phased out the Necron forces in defeat.


I got in my fifth Crusade game against my buddy Tony’s Imperial Knights.  It didn’t go well for the Necrons.  I had mostly fielded an infantry force with minimal high strength weapons and low AP.  Combined with poor dice rolls it was a total slaughter.  I’ll need to add some tank killers to my Crusade Order of Battle in the near future.

Tony was a good opponent and fun was still had, even with the poor match up.  But eh, thats narrative 40k.  Nothing significant happened other than spending my last requisition points to remove two battle scars from Khophec the Star Killer.  I’ve really got to stop sending that guy into melee.

I’ll be getting more battles in the next week or two and hopefully the Legion will gain some victories!


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