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The Death of New Tica Town - Lantern Years 9 and 10

Lily wandered through the settlement a frown on her face.  A hunting party should have been sent out, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember if anyone had been sent.

“Whose hut is that?” she wondered.  It looked recently lived in but she couldn’t remember who lived there.  Shrugging, she went about her business.

Strange weather continued. Acid rain threated to ruin the settlements supplies and the survivors had to dismantle some infrastructure to prevent the damage.

With food running low, Frisky, Ignis the 2nd, Wesley and Sheba went off to hunt a Gorm in its lair.  Things were going well with the beast was bleeding out.  In a frenzy it trampled Frisky to death.  Spinning around it wretched acidic vomit, melting Wesley.  Sheba and Ignis scrambled around trying to land the killing blow. Two acid baths later none of the hunters were left.

Back at the settlement, sickness swept through taking Lily’s and Motorboat’s lives.  Compounding the disaster the Hand of the King arrived at the settle and struck down the four remaining survivors.  The hand left with nothing but corpses left in New Tica Town.

The End.


So this game session was quite the disaster.  We did an nemesis encounter with the Slenderman and it went downhill faster than an out of control freight train.  Niko’s arms were ripped off in the first turn.  Consistent low rolls left the Slenderman taking no damage and consistently mowing through the hunters leading to a TPK.  A poor Gorm Climate roll compounded things by having us lose an innovation to prevent losing all of our stored gear.

Looking to start farming for Gorm gear, we set off for a level 2 Gorm.  Things were going well until some more crappy rolls left the party dead and the Gorm sitting on just its basic action card.  Only one wound left and we couldn’t finish the deal.  We then pulled plague which killed our last two survivors with any experience leaving us with four fresh survivors left.

We then rolled a three on the Hand of the King story event.  Killing our last four survivors.  We had the option to resist, but a quick glance around the table indicated the group was ready to re-roll with a fresh campaign.

We’ll resume in two weeks with a new settlement with characters named after the final fantasy franchise.


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