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Lantern Year 3 & 4

We rejoin the survivors of New Tica Town as they prepare for their third lantern year hunt.  Hoping to gather more white lion materials they set off into the darkness to hunt one of the large cats.  Ignis, Speedy, Maize and Gunboat made up the hunting party.

Ignis lead the party into the darkness initially where they encountered a Sea of Golden Grass.  Moving through it carefully, they closed in on their prey.  Maize took point as they moved through the grasses. A short while later they discovered a disturbing Lion’s Sculpture.  Perturbed they continued on, finding Signs of Battle.  Distracted by the remains the beast’s previous meal the survivors were ambushed!

The ferocious monster pounced on Maize and dragged her away from the party.  Though this Lion was stronger than the last two, it quickly fell the the combined bone axes, swords, daggers and bone darts of the hunters.  Unfortunately Speedy was disturbed by the creatures roars and gained the disorder Monster Panic.

With their prey defeated they returned to the settlement dragging their prize behind them.  On the outskirts of the village Maize and Gunboat broke out in an argument.  The stresses of the hunt getting to the women, they fell upon each other viciously.  Maize suffered a serious sucking chest wound from the fight and the two woman remained Rivals.

The settlement put the fight behind them and went about their business. The settlement learned to create Hovels to protect themselves.  Ignis and Lily enjoyed each others company in one and gave birth to twins from the liaison.  The children were a savior, Ignis the 2nd and Frisky.  With the birth of the settlements first children the survivors chose to Protect the Young as they were raised.  In contrast the settlement also decided to Accept Darkness as a social principle.  Lily was chosen to lead the settlement.

With resources being used to create new armor and gear, another hunting party was gathered.  Ignis, Speedy, Maize and Gunboat were tapped again to head out.  A short distance from the settlement, lantern light lit up among broken columns.  Rushing at them was a huge man with enormous cleavers bellowing in rage.  Even more horrifying were the skinned faces stretched across the numerous lanterns hung from the mans body.

The fight was brutal and vicious.  The survivors constantly found themselves smashed and bleeding on the ground.  They were all in a frenzy by the end of the fight.  A number of surprising blows severely wounded the Butcher. Ignis was able to gain a new fighting art from one blow. Gunboat was able to land a final heavy blow defeating the Butcher. Gasping in pain and exhaustion the survivors were only able to salvage two broken lanterns from the corpse.

Upon return to the settlement a lantern fell from the mound at the center of the settlement.  Gunboat feeling the heat from the shattered lantern decided to experiment.  Unfortunately the lantern she was experimenting with exploded in her face causing horrifying scarring.  She was banished as a monster from the settlement. (Hands of Heat)

Later a stone visage opened its maw near the settlement and the survivors dared each other to run into it’s maw. Ignis, Maize and Speedy all ran into its maw.  Ignis gained the iron will ability while Maize and Speedy gained courage and some vermin resources.  With the increase in courage Maize became a Matchmaker.  Ignis and Lily were soon discovered going at it in one of the tents.  Later they had a third child, a boy they named Sherlock.

The people of New Tica Town decided to rest and would resume their hunts another day.


We got in our next session of Kingdom Death: Monster and had few surprising twists and turns.  We decided to knock out a white lion first to continue working on a white lion set and figured it would be a bit quicker.  We quickly discovered we had done the previous white lion wrong by using the starting stats twice.  Also thinking about it I believe we forgot the terrain setup in this encounter.  Either way, thinks worked out OK with only speedy getting a disorder from the ordeal.

The settlement phase moved at a good clip with us learning hovel, givings Speedy a bonus experience and two attempts with the augury.  Ignis’ player succeeded on the augury with an 8 and then a lantern 10 for the intimacy roll giving us a number of milestones.  We built two white lion armor pieces a harp that I took and another bone dart.  We then shuffled the items a bit and went off to fight the butcher.

We were having issues until realizing I was doing reactions at the wrong point.  We also only remembered the lunacy ability and completely forgot speedings monster problems(oops).  Either way the butcher was defeated and fun was had.  With only two broken lanterns received from the fight we realized were weren’t going to be making much in the way of gear for year 5’s settlement phase.  More shocking was Gunboat, whom we had just gone through the bold event volunteered for the Hands of Heat event and quickly rolled a 2 to get burnt and banished after we had just had a discussion about how great it was to have a match maker.  Luckily Maize picked up matchmaker later in the phase which let Ignis and Lily have another baby.

We’ll resume next week with a hunt for either a lion or an antelope.


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