With the release of Shadow War: Armageddon, I’ve found myself diving head first into the Warhammer 40k universe. Combined with the soon to be released 8th edition of 40k and a frustration with flat boards for SW:A at our local store I decided to attempt my first custom game board.
It was decided the boards would be dubbed “Future Cleveland” after watching some humorous joke tourism videos about Cleveland. Here's a link to the name's inspiration. Post apocalyptic industrial areas tend to have things in common after all. In regards to construction, the boards were made with pink insulation foam glued down to 2x4ft mdf boards. I made sure to include several level changes to help break up lines of sight.
I’ve been generally pleased with how the boards have come out, but the perfectionist in me sees room for vast improvement. I’ll post future updates with the progress of the board.
Step 1: Foam forms glued down
Step 2: Spackle texturing
Step 3: Paint it black. I used cheap wall paint.
Step 4: A whole lot of drying brushing.
Repeated the process on a second board an have moved on to populating the boards with terrain.
Another angle
Multi levels make for more interesting games IMO.
I intend to continue to work on the board, focusing on getting the plastic sector mechanicus terrain painted next. As I'll be taking up 8th edion, I'll be adding a third 2x4ft board so as to have a 6x4 playing area.
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