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Shadow War: Armaggedon: Preseason and intro fiction for our store league.

With the release of Shadow War Armageddon, Games Workshops throw back to Necromunda, a whole lot of excitement has perked up at Drawbridge Games.  The store campaign starts at the end of the month and a number of us are getting practice games in to learn the rules before hand. I also tried my hand at making some hive style structures to give to the store.

Finally having an excuse to grab some cool looking Necron’s, I grabbed an Immortal box and got them all finished up in a single night last week. I’ve also pulled a number of old games workshop models out of moth balls and intend to get an Ork kill team painted up as well.  But for the first store league I’ll be going with the Necrons.

The future format of the posts will have a short fiction write up as well as some shots from the games to give a fun narrative to the campaign.

Intro Narrative:

Imperial Signals&Communications/Command&Control/Hive Helsreach
::Anomalous Signal/Recieved—REDACTED/::Decryption Progress - Decrypted - possible translation errors
::Analyst Astra Militarum/SGT KLEN:: Transmission Forward - Commissar Englert
:: Analyst notes - Sir, Unknown source transmission detected leaving the Underhive.  Requesting permission to allocate more resources. Possible threat to Hive Helsreach.  Praise The Emperor

:/ Begin start up sequence for tomb guardians 01110248901821
:/ ERROR damaged detected to primary fusion engine to tomb location
:/ ERROR damaged detected to back up power systems
:/ Analyzing - Course of action determined
:/ Off world assets allocated
:/ Asset Designation Egyptian Skynet
:/ Asset dispatched to target area
:/ Objective - recover local power source PROMETHIUM
:/ Damage repair in progress - 15 units PROMETHIUM required


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