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Shadow War: Armageddon League - Start!

 The Current Roster of Egyptian Skynet
Top: White Death, Mr. Blue, Red Death, Mr. Blonde
Bottom: Mr. Gray, Mr, Red, Mr. Pink, Mr. White

:: Imperial Signals & Communications/Command & Control/Hive Helsreach
:: Anomalous Signal/Recieved—REDACTED/::Decryption Progress - Decrypted - possible 
:: Translation errors
:: Analyst Astra Militarum/SGT KLEN:: Transmission Forward - Commissar Englert
:: Analyst notes - Sir, I’ve believe we have cause for concern.  If we’re translating these 
:: Messages even Remotely right, we have a serious problem.  Imperial Guardsmen, Space
:: Marines and Adaptus Arbites are Constantly in battle with various xeno combatants in 
:: The underhive.

:/ Data Stream from Egyptian Skynet
:/ Analyzing data
:/ Phase Shifting reinforcements to Egyptian Skynet
:/ Data update - Mr. Blue, Mr. Pink and Mr. Blonde added
:/ Analyzing combat data
:/ Gray Jerks assigned as priority targets by Mr. Red
:/ Space Elf Ballet Dancer assigned as priority target by White Death
:/ Target Combatant “Destiny”  assigned as priority target by White Death
:/ Analyzing - New Equipment phased in
:/ Warning! Red Death has emitted recovery signal
:/ Scanning Sub Levels 5-15
:/ Negative results
:/ Scanning Sub Levels 16-29
:/ Alert! Signal from Sub Level 23 detected
:/ Red Death is currently being held by Genetic Superiority Behemoths
:/ Analyzing Data
:/ Promethium Caches detected at Red Death’s location
:/ Primary Objective - obtain Promethium Cache
:/ Secondary Objective - Retrieve Red Death and return to operational status

The Shadow War Armageddon league at Draw Bridge Games as started up and I’ve gotten six or so games in.  I had some fun games with regular opponents from the warmahordes group and some not so fun games from the GW population at DBG.

In regards to the GW population, I’ve been reminded why I didn’t get involved with any of those games at the store previously.  To be perfectly disparaging, most of them seem to be eating way to many paint chips.  I’ve since decided to only play with a select few of the players, most who are also part of the warmahordes group.

The first game I played was against a Gray Knights player, who was perfectly happy to just sit in a corner on a table that was way to open and shoot at 3/4 of the board barely moving his force.  Not much fun nor very exciting.  He was friendly enough but I could tell he was taking winning a little to seriously for my taste when playing a ridiculously unbalanced game such as SW:A.

My next two games were some fun games with Steve and his Harlequins.  The first match went poorly for me, where I bottled after sustaining a few casualties and Steve easily making off with the loot. The second game was the ambush scenario which I rather enjoy.  Looking at the table, I parked my team on the three story large tower in the middle of the board where I hoped I would be able to take pot shots at the charging harlequins.  It generally worked and combined with some bad save rolls from Steve his harlequins took it on the chin.  Sadly Steve’s leader ending up dying.  Them’s the dice breaks.

The next day I got in three game with Andrew’s new Genestealer Cult team.  Though this game makes Andrew a little salty at times, fun(the important part) was certainly had.  Game one, I won the roll off and picked Ambush.  Gauss blasts and Las fire filled the air, but after few rounds, Andrew failed his first bottle check and the game ended. Game two Andrew won the roll off for scenario pick and deciding he wanted to steal my teams promethium he chose the Raid scenario.

The door objective getting lit up.

What he didn’t count on was losing the roll and ending up the defender.  After placing the objective door in a corner of the board for some reason, we deployed our teams.  Due to the sentry rules no shots were fired until my entire team opened up on the door.  It was quickly destroyed and Egyptian Skynet extracted with little difficulty.

The final game was Hit and Run where I rolled the Assassination option.  After making little effort to steal the loot counter, get to the promethium cache and waiting on my Death Marks to come in on target, Andrew realized my objective.  As most of his kill team was located to the side of one board, he set up the majority of his troopers on overwatch.  After his leader deployed(my objective) into his death star, the next turn my Death Marks teleported into pure hell.  When they both were quickly put into the dirt, I decided to bottle out to limit casualties.  Unfortunately, Red Death was captured when we did casualty rolls.  Looks like the Genestealer Cult will be getting a visit in the near future.

I’m greatly enjoying SW:A and decided to build my own home board for it.  Scifi terrain is decidedly easier to put together than fantasy terrain.  The board is currently in progress and I hope to have it done in the next two weeks.  I’m looking forward to getting more games in.


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