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Easter Sunday SW:A

:: Imperial Signals & Communications/Command & Control/Hive Helsreach
:: Anomalous Signal/Recieved—REDACTED/::Decryption Progress - Decrypted - possible translation errors
:: Analyst Astra Militarum/SGT KLEN:: Transmission Forward - Commissar Englert
:: Analyst notes - Sir, more transmissions from the underhive. We’ve also picked up some signals of what
:: We believe are Tau signals.  

:/ Warning. Enemy facility detected.
:/ Biological race 012445@$% detected.
:/ Primary objective located in facility
:/ Rerouting Egyptian Skynet
:/ Units engaged. Resistance lower than calculated.
:/ Enemy reinforcements approaching
:/ New targeting programs engaged.
:/ Enemy casualties detected.
:/ Enemy units have disengaged.
:/ Retrieving Resources.

:: Imperial Signals & Communications/Command & Control/Hive Helsreach
:: PVT. Schmuckatelly/Transmission Forwarded - Sgt. Klen
:: Sarge, I’ve got an intercept from an Adaptus Arbite squad that was patrolling the underhive

Sergeant:  Keep an eye out boys.  The supply ministorum wants us to find some of the promethium caches down here to help with the invasion.
Trooper 1: Wait… Did you guys see that?
Trooper 2:  See what?
Trooper 1:  It looked like some sort of metal skeleton.  Looked you can just bareley make it out up on that balcony.
Trooper 2: Seriously? By the emperor what is that.  Wait its starting to glow.
Trooper 3: Screaming
Sergeant: Get into cover! Return fire!

:/Transmission becomes chaotic.  Incoherent yelling along with the sound of weapons fire for several minutes

Sergeant:  Make each shot count!
Trooper 5:  Sarge more of them! They just appeared out of nowhere!
Sergeant: Regroup! Get the promethium out of here!
Trooper 4:  There’s more! We’re cut off!

:/ Transmission - more weapons fire and screaming.

:: That's all we got from that squad.  We also picked up some really distorted signals from another Arbites squad.  We’re not sure if they were in a battle or a brothel.  They kept talking about having to beat something off.

Getting molested by the monster.

Andrew's sniper team keeping the space cops pinned down.

My poor immortals getting slowly gunned down by a Tau firing squad.

On Easter Sunday I met up with my buddy Andrew at Drawbridge games where we got some more Shadow War: Armageddon games in.  Rico the owner also joined us for a few games.  I played a Raid mission against Andrew’s Tau, a Hit and Run mission against Rico’s Arbites and finally a three way scavenger mission.

The first game was over relatively quickly as I took the high ground before most of Andrews Tau could make it onto the board.

The second game against Rico was a heavy slobber knocker.  It was looking grim for the Necrons early, but their reinforcements arrived blocking the Arbites escape path with their promethium.  After some effective shooting the Arbites we’re forced to bottle out.

The final game was the most fun, even though my Necrons spent most of it face down in the dirt.  They’d get up with flesh wounds and immediately get popped again by a nearby Tau firing line or a pervy monstrosity would force them to have to beat it off.

Fun was had.  This Saturday marks the start of the league for the store and I’m looking forward to seeing how the campaign rules work and expanding my kill team.


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