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Steamroller Training: Gaspy3/Denny1

My buddy Andrew convinced some of us we should road trip out to Martinsburg WV this December to participate in a steamroller there.  As I had the day off, and since I’ve had an itch for a tournament I agreed to go.

This leads to the first step of preparing for any tournament.  List building.  I’ve recently had good experiences with Gaspy3 and Denny1 was a MK2 stand by for me.  So now to practice at our Thursday night games.

Let’s start with the Gaspy3 list.
(Asphyxious 3) Asphyxious the Hellbringer [+24]
 - Vociferon
 - Kraken [36]
 - Deathripper [6]
 - Slayer [10]
 - Cankerworm [9]
 - Inflictor [13]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
 - Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]
Satyxis Raider Captain [4]
Necrotech [2]
Fuel Cache (Steamroller) [0]

Previously I had used Bane Knights with a similar Gaspy3 list but found them to be a bit hit or miss.  They had trouble keeping up with the mobility jacks and generally couldn’t screen for any of my high value units.  I’ve also switch out Barathrum and some of the jack support bloat.

Replacing the Bane Knights are the Satyxis Raiders whose speed and suite of abilities give me a nice front line while my jacks move into position.

This time around I intend to try the raider captain to give me some assistance with assassinations and knocking down high defense targets to make it easier for the Kraken to murder things.

I will also be trying out Cankerworm to see how he does since I’ve never used him.  My hope is that he will be a good answer for extremely high armor targets.

I will primarily play this list into hordes lists as well as some combined arms lists.

(Deneghra 1) Warwitch Deneghra [+28]
 - Deathripper [6]
 - Deathripper [6]
 - Inflictor [13]
 - Slayer [10]
 - Slayer [10]
Bane Warriors (min) [10]
Bane Knights (max) [17]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
 - Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius [4]
 - Stalker [8]
Fuel Cache (Steamroller) [0]

This next list is designed more as an all comers list.  I also hope it will be with able to deal with high armor skews as seen from many Khador lists.  The Knights and Raiders form a mobile front line and hopefully let me set the tone for where the engagements take place. The goal is to help block my opponent out of any zones or help bunch them up to catch them in Denny’s feat.  The Bane Warriors, Slayers and Aiakos/Stalker can them pick apart the enemies' formation and hopefully eliminate key pieces.

I will be testing these lists on Thursday and hope I can grab a game with each list.  Whether the lists are strong or not will matter much less than having a strong familiarity and sense of comfort with them. That familiarity will hopefully keep me from making many mistakes at tournament time.

As always, enjoy your games!


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