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Deneghra the Soul Weaver

So I recently finished up my Denny3 and played 3.5 games with her.  The .5 game comes from playing a 9-10 year old young man in a teaching game with his Dad helping him. In regards to the three that counted, it was a bit interesting yet mildly frustrating.

The first two games I played a more theory machine list with a heavy soul gathering approach.

List for Games 1 & 2

Withershadow Combine
Satyxis Raiders + UA
Pistol Wraith
Pistol Wraith
Soul Trappers

Scenario for games 1 & 2 was Steam Roller 2016 The Pit

Quick Recap:

Game1 (though Andrew posted on his blog that this was game 2)  Vs Feora 2.

This went poorly in general.  Once the gap was closed between the too armies Feora pop enough flames on her own guys, feated and splashed them onto my single wound infantry.  It generally cleaned house.  My jacks were poorly positioned and got stuck in with his right flank.  Soul Hunters were riding hard around the left flank to get to his support pieces.  They never reached them by the end of the game.  The flames on my infantry cleared a route for Feora and some jacks to get to denny.  Died on the fire roll on the start of my next turn.

Game 2 vs Amon

Had a better time getting stuck in with the raiders this game.  I don’t really recall the soul hunters doing a whole lot in the game.  The WSC was also generally useless in both games.  By turn 3 Amon went for the feat/synergy assassination run by sending four heavy ‘jacks into Denny’s face.  They lef Denny really low, but miraculously alive.  Next turn I got her into position to use souls to load up my remaining Slayer and Inflictor who walked up to Amon and put him in the dirt.

TL:DR  The list was geared as an anti-infantry, soul gathering list but there just arn’t enough targets these days in MK3.  The WSC and Soulhunters never earned their points back.  Raiders did fine in the Amon game and there wasn’t a whole lot to do about Feora with this list.  She was a pretty hard counter to it.

The next week I brought her in again at the request of Andy, but never managed to grab a game with him.

Instead I played into Andrew’s Malekus list that he was trying out..

Game 3 List:
Bane Knights max
Satyxis Raiders + UA max
Pistol Wraith
Pistol Wraith
Soul Trappers
Bane Lord Tartarus
Pvt Holden(Courage)

This list felt a lot more manageable and less reliant on the soul gimmicks.  The Pistol Wraiths along with the Soul Trappers usually managed to provide 2-3 souls per turn.  As I wasn’t impressed with Denny3 last week I figured I might as well try out Tartarsauce in mk3.  I designed the list to be more like what I would take with Denny1 and fight for scenario if possible.

It didn’t really work out that way as I was consistently loosing the piece trade. I ended up going through some landing zone clearing shenanigans in turn three.  A nasty round of damage from Tartarsauce allowed me to get Denny onto Malekus with zero camp and finish the job.

In all honesty Andrew would have been able to win the game if he hadn’t put Malekus so far forward.  If he had held Malekus back another turn his army would have been really far ahead on the attrition war and would be able to take on a Denny with little support.

After playing 4 games with her now I feel Denny3 still comes in second to Denny1.  It just feels to me that I could take Denny1 with that second list and just do a better job.  Not to mention I feel she could make that list also hit harder.

TL:DR Denny 1 can do what Denny 3 does better IMHO

I’ll have to play some more fun/casual games with her down the road when people request her, but I will probably focus more on other casters.

As always, enjoy your games!


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