Game Setup: Board should be set with a central roadway surrounded by large hills to simulate a mountain pass. Woods and buildings can give a little more cover. Deployment: Damaged Dragoon mechs are dug in on the hills around the mountain pass. While Kurita Mechs deploy within 12 inches of their table edge. At the start of turn 5 Zeta Battalion mechs arrive from the Kurita table edge. Objectives: Attacker (Kurita) +1 Victory Point for each of the damaged Dragoon mechs destroyed before the arrival of Zeta Battalion on turn 5 +2 Victory Points for each Zeta Battalion mech destroyed +20 Victory points if all Dragoon mechs are destroyed. Defender: (Wolf’s Dragoons) +1 Victory Point for each damaged Dragoon mech that survives till Zeta Battalion arrives (scored end of turn 4) +2 Victory Points for each Zeta Battalion mech that leaves from the defenders table edge