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Showing posts from December, 2018

Lantern Years 7 & 8

The people of New Tica Town sent Sherlock, Speedy, Maize and McGhee off to discover the source of the strange feather that had floated into their settlement.  The hunters dealt with a few minor hazards as well as a strange shift in their reality. To their shock they realized they had forgotten their names. The hunting party renamed themselves, Slowy, Pumpkin, TriPod and Motorboat. Eventually they discovered a huge winged monster in a strange tree. The strange Phoenix warped reality around it and swooped in to attack the intruders.  The party fought desperately trying to deal with the time dilation the creature caused and the stresses it placed on their minds.  Pumpkin fell during the fight, leaking blood from his eyes,ears, nose and mouth.Tripod lost her name, she became a girl with no name.  The creature was eventually slain but it caused a heavy toll on the party.  Motorboat’s future was shredded, causing infertility. Worse the encounter had aged her an...