July has been an exciting time at Drawbridge games in Castle Shannon for our privateer press players. With the release of Mark III we were really excited to try out the new rules and perhaps start new factions. We’ve had a pretty consistent core group of players and we were all looking forward to starting a new league and getting some new models painted up. Since we were starting a new Journeyman and most of our core players weren’t planning on playing Cygnar I went ahead and pre-ordered the new box set as well as the models for what I would need to get to a 75 point list. I was very excited to get my trencher army put together with my ending warcaster being Caine2. Fate decided I would be taking a different path unfortunately. Upon receiving my new battleboxes on the 30th I was dismayed to find my Cygnar box had a mis-pack and Maddox arrived with two sword pieces and no torso. The other hitch was that the trencher box and UA I had ordered were no show...