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The Second War of Futuris Clevelandis

The Second War of Futuris Clevelandis Narrative Campaign Coming this Winter to Drawbridge Games. This is a three part narrative campaign that will be taking place on alternating Thursdays  The Second War of Futuris Clevelandis: Violent warp storms have erupted around the Ohioa System.  The warp instability has damaged and cut the transit of a number of chaos and xenos ships causing them to be trapped in the system requiring repairs. Luckily an Imperial world with sufficient manufacturing capability is within the system, Futuris Clevelandis.  The ships limp towards the planet intent on taking what they need to escape the system.  Though some may just decide planetary conquest will be more fun. ___ What do players need? Commander: Pick and name an HQ unit to be their forces commander to be used in games.  While the commander is alive during a game he grants 1 extra command point per game.    Injuries - If a Commander unit is defeated during a game, th

The Death of New Tica Town - Lantern Years 9 and 10

Lily wandered through the settlement a frown on her face.  A hunting party should have been sent out, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember if anyone had been sent. “Whose hut is that?” she wondered.  It looked recently lived in but she couldn’t remember who lived there.  Shrugging, she went about her business. Strange weather continued. Acid rain threated to ruin the settlements supplies and the survivors had to dismantle some infrastructure to prevent the damage. With food running low, Frisky, Ignis the 2nd, Wesley and Sheba went off to hunt a Gorm in its lair.  Things were going well with the beast was bleeding out.  In a frenzy it trampled Frisky to death.  Spinning around it wretched acidic vomit, melting Wesley.  Sheba and Ignis scrambled around trying to land the killing blow. Two acid baths later none of the hunters were left. Back at the settlement, sickness swept through taking Lily’s and Motorboat’s lives.  Compounding the disaster the Hand of the King a